• sisters on a mission.

  • Three sisters. One in Virginia. One in London. One in New York. None of whom wear shorts. Ever.

  • the mission?

    Taking delight.
    Learning Italian.
    Getting to Italy.
    Wearing shorts.
    In Italy.
    June 2011.

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the penalty of procrastination

Procrastinated all day on running. Cold. Windy. And very grey out today.

Finally at 3:00, I head out. My worst time of day. And it immediately starts raining. But I persevered. Kelin was at track practice, running. Jonas was inside making sounds and flopping on the couch (sunny work, he calls it). I had to do it. If my less-than-motivated 14 year old daughter could run in the cold, windy, rain. So would. I. I felt heavy. But, I like week 2 of C25K. 6x 1.5 minute runs alternating with 2 minute walks! I was so proud. But then I calculated how much running that actually was. 9 minutes.

My earbuds continued to fall out. But…while I was running, the UPS man came. And delivered my new sport-friendly earphones. Wrap around the back of head. I’ll test them out next run. I also ordered a sports bra. Woah. I’m getting fancy.

Procrastination penalties deserve rewards.

(pic is from the book, Molto Gusto)

Tonight I’m making — not as fancy as your dinner, Cathlin — Pasta Arrabiata from Mario Batali’s new cookbook, Molto Gusto: Easy Italian Cooking. He suggests Pomi tomatoes from Italy.

I’m also going to crack open, on this oddly cold England’ish day in April — one of my favorite Cabernet Sauvignon’s from the Napa Valley. Avalon. “Cabernet for the Soul”. http://www.avalonwinery.com/

Avalon – AKA Paradise
According to Arthurian legend, the town of Glastonbury in the U.K. was once known as Avalon. Avalon has long been associated with paradise. It is a land of souls. Many believe that King Arthur’s soul rests there and will some day rise again to defend England.