• sisters on a mission.

  • Three sisters. One in Virginia. One in London. One in New York. None of whom wear shorts. Ever.

  • the mission?

    Taking delight.
    Learning Italian.
    Getting to Italy.
    Wearing shorts.
    In Italy.
    June 2011.

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ordinary adventures.

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From the Jolly Green Giant in Minn, to the ranches of Wyoming, to the Badlands of South Dakota, to our first house in Boise, ID, to the stage door of the theater where I directed my first play…our roadtrip of life’s ordinary adventures is proving to be truly extraordinary.

And. I’m finally joining my sisters in graduating from the C25K program. Tuesday morning, Park City UT.  In an area that was part of the Olympic Village in the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics. Extraordinary.

two down, one to go

gotta love coded socks

I’m happy to announce that I have officially joined Cathlin in completing the C25K training program.  Woot!

I did my last run yesterday morning on one of the hottest days (100+) of this summer so far.   Thankfully it was only 80 degrees and 65% humidity when Daisy and I headed out at 6:00 am.

If I hadn’t been so committed to finishing yesterday I might have psyched myself out when I opened the door and felt that heat.  Did the powers that be not get the memo that I was doing my final run?

Well never mind.  I was going and that was that.  I already had on my favorite and fancy-bum-worthy (and kinda pricey) asics hera socks in honor of the occasion.  The hot pink and orange ones to entice my feet to move out at a faster pace (wishful thinking).  I love the fit of these socks with their L and R on the toes.  I have four pairs in different fun color combos.  Seriously, the other socks in my drawer are jealous because they never get to go out anymore.

Anyhoo.  With happy feet we jogged down unpaved alleys for the first 10 minutes to ease into things and then crossed over onto the sidewalks of the Fan.  Very cool neighborhood.  Great architecture.  None of which I noticed as I dodged uprooted sidewalks and kept an eye out for squirrels and other distractions (for Daisy not me) while also trying to focus on my form and my breathing.

And not looking at my watch.  There’s nothing worse than thinking you’ve run at least 15 minutes and then peeking at the time and realizing it has only been 10.  Also, I know I said I was going to try to inject some faster sections into my runs but with the heat and humidity I just couldn’t do it.   Or at least chose not to do it.  Still, I was plenty sweaty and Daisy’s tongue was hanging out by the time we finished.  She got some extra loving for her efforts.

I forgot to do my victory dance and couldn’t find my cap and gown.  But I did have a big fat Butterfinger Blondie at lunch in celebration.  Yum.


Graduation comes in all sorts of ways. This week, my daughter graduated from 8th grade. Next year, she’s in high school. I can hardly believe it. It seems like just yesterday she was graduating from 5th grade, and she was  stressed about having to figure out how to use a locker with a combination when she got to middle school the next year. Now her concerns center around ensuring she maintains her unlimited text messaging privileges and if she can go on facebook. How she will change in high school — driving, dating, proms, college. I can’t wait.

I was hoping to have graduated from the C25K program this week, too. But, alas, I’m still in week 8, after repeating week 6 several times and delaying the uninterrupted running sessions I knew were coming. Though…Congratulations to Cathlin for graduating! And it sounds like you are finally truly enjoying your 30 minute runs. Look how far we’ve come! I’m still not to the enjoying running part yet. And this morning I felt like an elephant. But I trust that day will come and thanks for the inspiration, sisters. I want to graduate, too. And I need to do it before our cross-country roadtrip. I have until July 6.

I’ve also discovered that no new shoes, new song, new device, new route, time of day, energy drink can be as powerful a motivator as your Mind.  The mind-body connection is so purely connected when running. I can tell myself to quit (for so many reasons, I’m good at them) or I can tell myself to keep going. Despite tired legs, deer flies or humidity. I need to graduate from being controlled by my body and let go and love it.

“Strictly by accident, Scott stumbled upon the most advanced weapon in the ultrarunner’s aresenal: Instead of cringing from fatigue, you embrace it. You refuse to let it go. You get to know it so well you’re not afraid of it anymore.” Born to Run

Oh. And here are my new running shoes. Yeah, the mind is everything. But I’m really digging the new shoes. Mizuno Ronin 2.

kicking ass and taking names

Dodgeball Champion

Yes, that’s right, I am a dodgeball CHAMPION!

At great personal risk, I selflessly took a couple of hits to enable the stronger players on our team (those that could actually throw a ball and hit someone) to press on for the win.

I’m so proud.

ALSO,  this morning – after almost three weeks off from running  –  I did the full 25 minute run!   And it was awesome, even with a big dog in tow.  In fact, I felt like I could have gone farther but decided not to push my luck.

Three factors figured into the general awesomeness of the experience:

  • By the time I wrangled Daisy and got out the door, it was 6:00 and already at 74% humidity.   But, it was only 67 degrees.  Glorious in comparison to the damp 90 degree days we’ve been having.
  • I took a new route down Monument Avenue and kept to straight paths as much as possible.  The wide open space made me feel free and avoiding a lot of turns helped me keep my momentum.

I’m so glad to finally be back with the C25K program.  Looking forward to officially starting C25K Week 7 and catching up to my sisters!

3 extra minutes, garbage, bad smells, and……cakes

Week 8.  28 minutes.  No problem.  I’ve done 25.  What’s an extra 3?  Well, it’s an extra 3 at the end when you want to be doing the cool down, that’s what.

I did my first 28 minute run the other morning just a wee bit before 6:00 am.   Running in the city offers lots of interesting sights and smells.  Trash day is particularly interesting as everyone puts their stuff on the curb the night before.  Which the urban foxes LOVE.  They have a party that night.  So in the morning when I’m out for some fresh air, before the “dust bin collectors” come (what a funny name – I don’t think they are collecting dust), there are ripped open trash bags and half eaten food and other gross things all along my route.  Lovely.

For some reason on this morning I also seemed to be following the route of the 94 bus.  Didn’t seem to be any people on the buses, but I got the nice exhaust blast every time one went by.  Which was a lot.  I envy my sister’s field.

But, I often do get to see the milkman in his little van that says “Milk and More”.  I don’t know what the more is, but there he is picking up empty glass bottles and leaving full ones on people’s doorsteps.  And once I did see a man in a pretty dress.   I do love the mornings.

And finally, cakes.  In my house I have a bad, but true, reputation as a not-so-great cake baker.  But, I keep trying.  For my sons’ birthday last year, I excitedly asked them what kind of cake they would like me to make them.  And one replied, “Mom, can you just buy a cake because you haven’t had much luck in the past with cakes”.  Sad, but true. I ignored their protests and made this, and it was quite good.

Not bad.

And then just the other day for my husband’s birthday.  I made this! And it was not only edible, but delicious.

I believe I have redeemed myself.

The NOW Body

I read an article in The Times this weekend called, The Body for Now that made me think of our quest.  It got my interest with the first line….”it all started with a lot of talk about bottoms.  My friends had become obsessed by bums…”.   The article goes on to talk about how super-skinny is just not in anymore.  Instead the dream physique is a healthy, sporty one obtained by “getting your kicks for fun instead of punishing yourself in the gym”.  A few celebs like Anniston, Paltrow, and Christensen are mentioned (as are some new shoes by Reebok) as examples.   They all cross-train and watch what they eat.  I guess it’s a bit easier when you can take your yoga instructor with you on location (Jen’s says that if you want to change your body you have to change your diet – which accounts for 80% of how you look).  I’m sure she has a cook too.  When she has a Mexican meal she doesn’t deny herself…oh, no! She will just have 3 tortilla chips.  Hilarious.  What fun is that?

I just finished week 7 – all 25 minute runs.  I have to say I’m finally starting to enjoy running.  AND I’m getting the good addiction to exercising again.  AND I do have much more energy.  At the end of this illuminating article it says….”you want to wear shorts?  Go for it.  Get down to the gym, the park, or get on a bike.”.  I’m still waiting for the magic bum and legs transformation.

I’m going to make a cake and have some nachos.

over the hump, part II

Sunday was day 3 of week 6. My first day out in my new running shoes!  I assumed I’d be doing some longer runs with nice breaks in between, so was I surprised when miss lady said “today you will be running for 25 minutes with no breaks”!  What?!  I guess it had to happen eventually, but I  certainly didn’t feel ready for that.  It was a beautiful evening and I had no excuses, so off I went.

I started out as usual – shuffling like a little old lady.  After what felt like forever… “you have 20 minutes left, you can slow down but keep going”.  How could I go any slower?  I plodded along some new neighborhoods to keep me interested/distracted.  I laughed out loud when she said “you have been running for a quarter of an hour”.  You can’t fool me lady I know that is only 15 minutes.  However, I WAS still running.

Then what I had been waiting for since we started this journey happened….I got into a groove.  I remembered that place from when I used to run years ago.  The time where you stop feeling slow and heavy and start feeling like a runner and you actually enjoy it.  I picked up my pace considerably for the last minutes (Lady Gaga blasting in my headphones).  I got home and felt great.  Maybe it was a fluke.  Could it be the new shoes?

Tuesday.  Week 7 day1.  Same gig…25 minutes.  Another great run.  This time I can call it “a run” and not feel like a phony.  I know there will be some challenging days ahead, but there’s no turning back now girls.

on running, pubs and brownies

Today I started week five.  Loved the eight minute runs (especially the five minute break).  I’m starting to feel like a runner again.  I still have no Internet at home but have finally located my headphones…listened to Spring Awakening soundtrack.  On my run this morning, I noticed this sign above the door to a pub that I ran by.

Only in England – where I’m sure they invented boarding school.

On a more pleasing note, I made this beautiful raspberry cheesecake brownie last night.  Picture courtesy of Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook.  They have a shop here in London where they sell nice cupcakes (at outrageous prices). Cupcakes…definitely not invented in England.

excuse me?

89% humidity!

I started C25K week 6 today.  Should have been easy peasy – just a few 5 and 8 minute runs – but no.  Even with my fancy new shoes, no dog distractions and a razor sharp focus on my form (semi-lucid if we’re keeping it real), I was slow and plodding and out of breath for most of the session.  I have analyzed the situation and can attribute my lack of performance on the following reasons (excuses).

First, the relative humidity was already at 89 percent when I got out the door at 6:00 am. Summer hasn’t even officially started – so not fair!  Thankfully it was only 66 degrees or I would have surely been forced to walk more than Mr. Podcast man advised.

Second, although I can’t say for sure, I would say there is a high probability that the two large glasses of very tasty prosecco I had with dinner were not sufficient to hydrate me for today’s run.   Which is also not. fair.

Third, it also didn’t help that I did not get enough sleep the night before due to a sick puppy dog*.  Which is why I ran solo and without distractions so technically maybe those two should cancel each other out.  Hmmm…  No – upon further reflection, I’m still going to count it.

* BTW, after a very expensive weekend trip to the emergency vet, Daisy is on the road to recovery.   However, I doubt that this experience will have taught her anything about the pitfalls of hoovering.

over the hump

Well, it’s official.  I’ve made it past the half way point in my C25K training.  Yay!  Yesterday was my first 20 minute run – not counting my Komen 5K.  It was a pretty good run at a decent pace but the last five minutes I had to slow down.  Kept looking at my watch to see how many minutes / seconds were left.  I wish I had been able to find my pedometer.  Would have been nice to see how far I actually ran in that 20 minutes.

I ran Daisy-free so I didn’t have any distractions and could focus on my form.   I wore my Newtons again and I’m still getting used to those.  Boy could I feel it in my legs by the end of the day.  But it was the good kind of sore, ya know?  I also tried to look about 15 – 20 meters ahead instead of at my feet.  Mentally, that really helped keep me moving forward.

Looking forward to starting Week 6.  It’s the last week of short intervals.  After that it’s all 25 minutes or more.  Gulp.