• sisters on a mission.

  • Three sisters. One in Virginia. One in London. One in New York. None of whom wear shorts. Ever.

  • the mission?

    Taking delight.
    Learning Italian.
    Getting to Italy.
    Wearing shorts.
    In Italy.
    June 2011.

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It’s okay to run in pants.

There’s something that happens

between this

and this.

And we think we are smack in the middle of it.
The middle.
It’s a perplexing place to be.
We think to begin to figure out this place, if indeed it can be figured, it’s going to require some muscle.
Might as well start with getting the flab less flabby.
Before we have no choice but to wear the grey habit.
Which will be fine someday.
These ladies look content.
But. And. Plus.


Heather | I  loved to run when I was a kid.  Loved to run fast but not far.  For most of my adult life I’ve been psyching myself out of running altogether with a lot of great excuses.  Really – I have plantar fasciitis, practically no cartilage in one knee, etc. etc.   But in the fall of 2008, I signed up for a “Seal Team” fitness class for a couple of months and realized that, although I was slow, I could eventually work my way up to a few miles without passing out or limping.  We ran on dark trails on winter mornings.  It was a challenge and it felt good.  I became a fan of  Under Armour.

Then a slew of medical issues hit me and I was out of the running again.  Tack on meds, a crappy diet, stress, not taking time to work out and moving into my mid 40s and pretty quickly I vowed never to expose my legs in public.  Ever. Again.

I’m ready though to take back my body and lose the long pants.  My sisters and I have set a goal of running – in Italy!   Fueled by pasta and Prosecco, I know we can do it.

Cathlin | I’m a runner.  Ok, well, I used to be runner.  That however was when I was much younger (used to run with a walkman – that should tell you how many years ago it has been).  And  it was when I lived on the beach in Orange County where the sun always shone and I had nothing but time.  Then…..I had twins.  Moved to London.  Turned 40.  Years later, I still have my selection of running shorts and sports bras in my bottom drawer.  They have  survived many purges to Goodwill because I really have been planning to run again.

And now I have the motivation to do so – running with my sisters in Italy!  Which I hope is nothing like the running of the bulls in Spain.

My biggest problem however is my legs. Pasty-white (for God’s sake I live in London). Cellulite.  Spider-Veins.  Would this also require shaving?


Colleen | I want to ride a scooter through the streets of Rome. In a skirt and heels with big sunglasses. And a scarf. I always run in pants. In Italy, I think I will run in a skirt. Without the scarf. With the sunglasses. Are we shooting for half-marathon? Good grief. 14 months. Help.