• sisters on a mission.

  • Three sisters. One in Virginia. One in London. One in New York. None of whom wear shorts. Ever.

  • the mission?

    Taking delight.
    Learning Italian.
    Getting to Italy.
    Wearing shorts.
    In Italy.
    June 2011.

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lackadaisy do

Today was my first day of week 2 in the c25k program and my first day to use a podcast.

The Robert Ullrey session is set to techno-music with (a little too) quiet instructions from Robert at the run/walk transitions.  I felt like I was in a German sci-fi thriller during an extended chase scene.  In my mind’s eye, I was evading post-apocalyptic ne’re-do-wells through the streets of Richmond with my sole companion, a lackadaisical behemoth intent on slowing me down.

Hey, I just realized that the root word of lackadaisical is daisy.  How very apt.

Anyway, the beat was great for getting me going faster, especially during the walking sections.   Daisy was not amused.  She kept giving me a boo-boo-face when I wouldn’t let her stop to check out the abundant leavings of her predecessors.   I need to get an ipod for Daisy in hopes that the techno-beat might speed her up a little.  Now if I can just figure out how to get the earbuds to stay in those floppy mops.

nice miss lady helps with running in the rain

nice miss british lady on my “get running” ipod app

Yesterday I ran in the rain to finish out Week One. I never run in the rain. It was also cold. But I did it anyway.

And I credit nice miss lady for distracting me from the elements. I also moved onto my dirt road to run with a little tree coverage to protect from rain. And, each day on my last run, I try to sprint it. A wee sprint.

200 Squats. That’s the other program I’m working on. After I run I do the squats.  It’s a dumb app, but it was cheap. 5 sets of squats, working up to 200.

In between, must work on arms and abs. arms and abs arms and abs.

Pub Crawl.

Saturday morning run. From my house in east Chiswick down to the Thames.  Along the river to Hammersmith Bridge and back.  The common theme on my route was pubs…too bad it was 9:00 am and the only thing available was the old beer smell from the night before.

First stop, The Raven.  This is right by my house.  I’ve been there once…I was easily 15 (more like 20) years older than everyone else.  But not a bad place.

Then by the Carpenter’s Arms which is supposed to have great food.  Now right on the river.. the Black Lion Pub, The Old Ship W6, and finally The Dove – which looks very cool.  I must go there.

I figured out how to get my music playing along with miss lady who tells me what to do on the Couch 2 5K plan.  I was having a great time listening to the 90’s grunge rock collection.  A little Pearl Jam to get you going.  It was a love day for my love/hate relationship with London.  Until the drunk guys who were busy rummaging through the trash cans and then dumping all of the contents out also started yelling at everyone running by.